Muriel J. Donaldson has been carefully documenting Dr. Schofield's teachings and strategies for over 25 years. Her family and business associations with him gave her a unique understanding of his principles and a desire to share them

with others.

“This is the book I have been waiting for. Muriel has captured Dr. Schofield’s principles perfectly. It’s magnificent.”   -  Camille FarmerGreat

"Always an Ally," reinforces the importance of emotional stability in families. I really

like this book!  -  Dr. Rion Zimmerman

What makes this book special?

Remarkable insights and effective strategies from a psychiatrist's real life stories of 50 years as a psychiatrist, as well as a parent.

Dr. Schofield's helpful advice from 50 years of counseling experiences and Muriel Donaldson's personal success stories read like a novel. “You won't want to put this book down!” Muriel has won the 2009 Irwin Award and is a member of the Book Publicists of Southern California.

Radio Interview with Bill Frank,

KKZZ Positive Talk Radio

Muriel discusses Always an Ally

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Muriel speaks at the Book Publicists of So. California

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Muriel wins the Irwin Award