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Muriel J. Donaldson has been carefully documenting Dr. Schofield's teachings and strategies for over 25 years. Her family and business associations with him gave her a unique understanding of his principles and a desire to share them

with others.

“This is the book I have been waiting for. Muriel has captured Dr. Schofield’s principles perfectly. It’s magnificent.”   -  Camille FarmerGreat

"Always an Ally," reinforces the importance of emotional stability in families. I really

like this book!  -  Dr. Rion Zimmerman

What makes this book special?

Remarkable insights and effective strategies from a psychiatrist's real life stories of 50 years as a psychiatrist, as well as a parent.

Muriel Donaldson’s book Always an Ally Never an Adversary has had incredible success with it’s reader’s.  Please enjoy the very positive and uplifting success stories and testimonials from some of these reader’s.

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